Commonwealth x adidas "RESPONSE" featuring Eric W.

July 23, 2021

adidas Commonwealth Response interview featuring Eric Wiggins

Our team members have become family through the years, and despite everything going on in the world, they help push us forward every day.

For the launch of our Commonwealth x adidas Consortium collaboration, we’ll be checking in with our team members from Commonwealth flagship stores around the globe.  We ask them how they’re doing and what their “RESPONSE” has been to everything going on in their local communities.

adidas Commonwealth Response interview featuring Eric Wiggins in store

Name:  Eric W.          
Flagship:  Commonwealth VA           
Since:  2008

With everything that has been happening in 2020, what was something that motivated or demanded a response from you?  
2020 has undoubtably been one of the wildest years ever. I think with all the loss that’s occurred this year I needed to take time and focus on things I could control like my health and well-being. Whether that be consuming a more plant based diet, exercising without being able to access the gym and walking/biking where possible. All of those things were a direct response to the circumstances presented to me.

adidas Commonwealth Response interview featuring Eric Wiggins on bike

Do you feel like all this time at home has given you and your peers more time to actually put time into what they are passionate about?  
Yes, but I think a lot of that came from the need to stay somewhat sane and survive the situation at hand. Personally it let me decide what I held most valuable with my time and cut the things out that weren’t.

adidas Commonwealth Response interview with Eric Wiggins photo at street

How have you kept inspired during this time?  
By not wanting those days/weeks/months go by without feeling some sense of accomplishment. The ability to celebrate small daily goals kept me pushing on during the early days of things being shut down.

adidas Commonwealth Response interview with Eric Wiggins photo at market part 2

If you had to share one recipe to the community, what would it be?
Actually I have been working on some pretty good pizza recipes with some friends here in VA. We are planning a few pop ups (@lilza.pizzeria) over the next few months and we’ll see where that goes.

adidas Commonwealth Response interview with Eric Wiggins photo at park

The Commonwealth x adidas Consortium "RESPONSE" releases exclusively at Commonwealth flagships around the globe and online at on Saturday, November 21st.


📷 : Rico Marcelo